
Terrorists Kidnap 87 in Fresh Kaduna Attack

Terrorists on Sunday night kidnapped 87 people after launching a fresh attack on the Kajuru-Station community in Kajuru Local Government Area of Kaduna State.

A member of the Kajuru-Station Youths, Harisu Dari, confirmed the incident to newsmen on Monday in Kaduna.

Harisu said the terrorists also broke into some shops and stole food items and other valuables.

He said they invaded the village around 10 pm.

The attack came barely two days after 15 women and a man were abducted in the Dogon-Noma community of the same local government.

Kajuru and Chikun LGs had in the past two weeks become the hotbed of kidnapping, causing tension in the state.

Harisu explained that no contact has been established yet with the 87 locals abducted on Sunday night.

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Comfort Samuel

I work with TV360 Nigeria, as a broadcast journalist, producer and reporter. I'm so passionate on what I do.

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