
Death toll rises to ten in Zaria mosque collapse

The death toll of people who died due to Zaria central mosque collapse in Kaduna state has risen to 10, while over thirty people are currently in hospitals across the city.

Recall that four people were confirmed dead, while 7 have sustained various degrees of injuries.

However, a source at the palace, in an interview after the deceased’s funeral, confirmed that ten people were confirmed dead, while thirty other worshippers have been taken to some hospitals in Zaria.
The palace source, Abubakar Bamalli, had said the funeral for the deceased was conducted after the isha prayers.

Among those in attendance were the Emir of Zazzau, Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli, senior councilors, and hundreds of residents.
Earlier, one of the survivors, Mallam Shehu Nagari, said the incident happened when they were in the second Sujud of Asr prayer.
According to him, the affected portion of the mosque suddenly collapsed on those sitting directly under it.
Nagari said all he knew was that the affected worshippers were covered by the rubble because the section was built with mud over 150 years ago.
As of the time of filing this report Nagari said he couldn’t ascertain the actual number of victims involved in the incident.

The Emir of Zazzau, Ambassador Nuhu Ba-mali, who confirmed the incident, said the worshipers were in the second Sujud prayer when suddenly the affected portion of the mosque collapsed on those sitting directly at the section.

The royal father further explained that the victims were covered by debris from the wall built with mud which had been in existence for the past 150 years.

Meanwhile, the Kaduna State Governor, Uba Sani, has expressed sadness over the death of some victims of the incident.

The Governor, who spoke through his Chief Press Secretary, Mohammed Shehu, at the funeral for the victims, commiserated with their families and the entire people of Zazzau Emirate, praying for the repose of their souls and quick recovery of the injured.

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Comfort Samuel

I work with TV360 Nigeria, as a broadcast journalist, producer and reporter. I'm so passionate on what I do.

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