
World AIDS day 2023: Let communities lead  

The world marks the World AIDS day on the 1st of December entitled “Let Communities Lead”

According to The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), Communities may lead the way in putting an end to AIDS worldwide. The organizations representing populations impacted by, at risk from, or living with HIV is at the forefront of the HIV response’s advancement.

Communities provide connections between individuals and person-centered public health services; they also foster trust, foster innovation, keep an eye on the execution of policies and programs, and hold service providers responsible.

UNAIDS Executive Director Winnie Byanyima said “The end of AIDS is possible, it is within our grasp”

“To follow the path that ends AIDS, the world needs to let communities lead.” She added.

World AIDS Day 2023 highlights that to unleash the full potential of community leadership to enable the end of AIDS:

  • Communities’ leadership roles need to be made core in all HIV plans and programmes and in their formulation, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation. “Nothing about us without us.”
  • Communities’ leadership roles need to be fully and reliably funded to enable the required scale up,and be properly supported and remunerated. “Not ending AIDS is more expensive than ending it.”
  • Barriers to communities’ leadership roles need to be removed. An enabling regulatory environment is needed which facilitates communities’ role in provision of HIV services, ensures civil society space, and protects the human rights of all, including of marginalised communities, to advance the global HIV response. “Remove laws that harm, create laws that empower.”
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