
US Senate Leader Calls for New Elections in Israel



In a bold move, the leader of the US Senate, Democrat Chuck Schumer, has urged the Israeli government to hold new elections, warning that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s policies risk turning Israel into a global “pariah.”

Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish politician in US history, made the call in a compelling floor speech, highlighting the need for a fresh decision-making process to restore confidence in Israel’s governance.

Schumer criticized Netanyahu for aligning with right-wing extremists and accused him of showing indifference to the civilian casualties in Gaza, a stance that has eroded international support for Israel.

He emphasized the importance of averting Israel’s isolation on the world stage, stressing that the country’s survival hinges on maintaining its standing as a respected ally.

The Senate leader’s remarks come amidst growing discontent among Democrats in Congress and mounting pressure from President Joe Biden’s administration on the Netanyahu government regarding the escalating death toll in Gaza.

The conflict, which erupted on October 7 when Hamas militants launched attacks on Israel, has claimed approximately 1,160 lives, predominantly civilians, according to official figures.

Additionally, Hamas seized around 250 Israeli and foreign hostages during the violence, with many released during a temporary truce in November.

However, Israel estimates that approximately 130 captives remain in Gaza, while 32 have died in captivity.

Israel’s response to the Hamas attacks has been robust, with a relentless campaign of bombardment and ground operations in Gaza.

The territory’s health ministry reports that at least 31,341 people, mostly civilians, have been killed as a result of Israel’s actions.

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