
Niger: ECOWAS gives coup plotters 7 days to restore Bazoum as President

The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) has ordered that land and air borders between member countries and Niger Republic be closed.

This is said in a statement published on Sunday in response to Niger’s recent coup, which deposed an elected president.

Earlier on Sunday, the ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Governments issued a seven-day ultimatum to the military in Niger Republic to restore ousted President Muhammed Bazoum to office.

The ECOWAS set stringent restrictions shortly after issuing the ultimatum to guarantee that its demands were followed.

The West African regional group ordered the freezing of all Niger Republic firms and parastatals in all ECOWAS member countries’ commercial banks.

“ECOWAS imposes stiff restrictions and directs the following measures to take immediate effect on Niger Republic,” according to the statement.

“Closure of land and air borders between ECOWAS and Niger.

“Institution of ECOWAS no flight zone to all commercial flights to and fro Niger.

“Suspension of all commercial and financial transactions between ECOWAS member states and Niger.

“Freeze all service transactions including energy transactions.

“Freeze assets of Niger Republic in all ECOWAS Central banks.

“Freeze all Niger State and the state enterprises and parastatals in commercial banks.

“Suspension of Niger from all financial assistance and transactions with all financial institutions.”

“Impose travel bans on the military officials and their families involved in the coup attempt including anyone who accepts to take a position in the military government,” it adds.

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Comfort Samuel

I work with TV360 Nigeria, as a broadcast journalist, producer and reporter. I'm so passionate on what I do.

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